Summit Educational Association

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Character Development for Summit High School Students

One of the key elements of all of Summit's programs is Character Development, and that focus continues for high school students as they are exposed to different opportunities and have additional responsibilities as Junior Counselors. Just like the 4th-8th grade students have a daily Character Class where they learn about a new virtue each day, such as Obedience, Patience, and Responsibility; the high school students have a Character Class of their own, where they talk about different virtues and topics that they will be confronted with during their teen years.

Both the Boys' and Girls' Junior Counselors have been reading You Have a Brain by Dr. Ben Carson in their daily reading class, and many of Dr. Carson's life experiences and the virtues he had to develop for success are discussed during Character class.

The JC Boys have been learning about building small habits that will help them to become the best versions of themselves. Dr. Carson was challenged by his mother to read 2 books a week AND turn in book reports to her, which is something the boys are challenging themselves to do during the Read-A-Thon program this summer. These young men are beginning to understand the importance that reading has for their education as well as their future success. Additionally, they have discussed various topics in Character class that are applicable to their own lives, including building good friendships, self-discipline, honesty, and controlling our emotions.

The Character Class for the JC Girls has thus far focused on different types of relationships. The girls started off the summer by listening to a talk on marriage, and how the purpose of dating is to one day find a spouse (boy, were the high school girls surprised about that at first!). Since then, these young women have participated in discussions about dating, love, vocations, and developing virtues in their lives right now. They have also discussed friendship, and the qualities that are necessary in a true and virtuous friend. Topics later this summer will include fashion & modesty, social media etiquette, developing a relationship with God, service to others, discovering and developing their God-given talents, and preparing for college, along with many other virtues and how to practice those in their lives.